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Schrott – Jazz Ensemble – School of Music

Oct 19, 2017, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

presented by Clowes Memorial Hall

About the Event

Date + Time

Oct 19, 2017, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

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Schrott Center
4602 Sunset Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46208

Usher – all volunteers must  have completed  this season’s   New Usher Training or  Returning Usher training.  Please make sure you  get a confirmation from Butler Arts before signing up with  IA .


Skirts, Dresses, or slacks:                              Black. Skirt and dress lengths should be professional.

Blouse/Shirt:                                                      Black. Please do not wear blouses with colored applique, or overly-embellished tops.

Hose/socks:                                                       Black. Optional for cold weather.

Dress Shoes:                                                      Black and closed-toe. Please do not wear sneakers, sandals, or flip-flops.

Cardigans:                                                           Black. Optional for cold weather.



Pants/Slacks:                                                     Black. Please do not wear jeans.

Shirt:                                                                   Black. Preference to button-downs, polos, and sweaters. No t-shirts. No logos.

Tie:                                                                         Black. Plain, dark. Optional.

Shoes:                                                                  Black and closed-toe. Please do not wear sneakers or sandals.

Sweaters:                                                            Black. Optional for cold weather.