
Our Committees

We have many committees that make various aspects of our group run smoothly, and we strongly encourage members to get involved in one or two. It’s a great way to meet people in a smaller setting and to get to know the workings of Ambassadors better. Most people start out by sampling a number of committee meetings to determine which ones they might most enjoy. Don’t worry, attending a meeting won’t obligate you in any way. In fact, ‘joining’ a committee also requires no long-term obligation; it simply consists of coming to the committee meetings when you can and contributing what you can, whether it be time, skills, or just opinions!

By-Laws Committee

The By-Laws committee, overseen by the vice-president, reviews all proposed amendments to our governing documents and makes recommendations to the board of directors.

Volunteer Services Committee

The Volunteer Services committee handles the scheduling, promotion, recruiting, administration, and review for all volunteer activities in which the Ambassadors take part. The Director of Volunteer Promotion and Director of Volunteer Administration are the co-chairs of the Volunteer Services committee. The Riley card committee, charged with coordinating and promoting Ambassador sales of Riley holiday cards, is a sub-committee and has its own chair or chairs.

Social Committee

The Social Committee is responsible for planning and promoting all Ambassador social events. The Director of Social Promotion and Director of Social Administration are co-chairs of the committee. The Holiday Gala committee is a sub-committee of the Social committee and has its own appointed chair or chairs.

Education Committee

The Education Committee, chaired by the Director of Education and vice-chaired by the Sergeant-at-Arms, is responsible for arranging the locations and speakers for our monthly general meetings. In addition, the committee plans special educational programs each month.

Membership Services Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for orienting and signing up new members at the general meetings, conducting the Second Chance Orientations, entering and maintaining members’ profiles in the database, publishing the membership directory, collecting membership feedback, planning new member programs, and sending membership renewal reminders. The committee is chaired by the Director of Membership and vice-chaired by the club’s Secretary.

Public Relations Committee

The purpose of the Public Relations Committee is to create an awareness of the Ambassadors among the general public, attract potential new members, and publicize Ambassador projects and community involvement. Committee members may staff an IA booth at a festival, place ads in local papers, design promotional items, or – most likely – participate in brainstorming sessions for new PR ideas.