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Nov 12, 2016, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

presented by Nationalities Council of Indiana, Inc.

About the Event

The Indy International Festival, returns Thursday, November 10th through Saturday, November 12th to the Blue Ribbon Pavilion, Indiana State Fairgrounds, 1200 E. 38th Street, Indianapolis. This event presents the unique opportunity to travel the world in just a few steps. At every turn, a different culture is represented with colorful displays, traditional dress, music, movement and dance, and food and drink. The Main Stage provides non-stop entertainment that is based on art, culture, and expression from all corners of the globe. Students and children are given special attention in one of the most concentrated cross-culture learning experiences available anywhere.The International Festival is an annual celebration of central Indiana’s rich ethnic and cultural diversity. Hosted by the Nationalities Council of Indiana, Inc., this year marks the 40th annual event. More than 50 ethnic or national affinity organizations plus other groups, businesses, and individuals interested in focusing on central Indiana’s diversity will host booths at the event.
The festival is designed to feed the body, mind, and spirit with tempting foods, educational experiences, and artistic performances from every continent. Volunteers in traditional dress in dozens of booths share stories of their ethnic heritage and many offer authentic foods and displays of cultural items. On stage, talented performers showcase the beautiful choreography, exciting rhythms, and traditional dress of their native lands.
One of the primary missions of the International Festival is to provide students and teachers with an enriching cultural and educational experience. Thousands of school children and their teachers will visit the festival on Thursday and Friday, November 10 & 11 from 9:00am to 2:00pm for the “Education Days.” These students will have a unique opportunity to learn about diversity and explore their own ethnic roots as they “travel” the festival using student passports provided by the Nationalities Council of Indiana, Inc. Also for students, the Nationalities Council of Indiana, Inc. partners with the Geography Educator’s Network of Indiana (GENI) to present the National Geographic Society’s Giant Travelling Maps of Europe designed to introduce students to the power of maps and the diverse geography of Europe. Special reduced prices are available for school hours. Please email festival@nationalitiescouncil.org for details on how to get the student tickets.
Students and weekend visitors can also participate in Italian Street Painting and interact with Tudor Rose Players as they present Mary, Queen of Scotland.
Visitors will find interesting gift shopping opportunities at the International Festival in the International Marketplace. Items from around the world made by artisans and producers whose work conveys their native heritage and culture will be featured.
The Coronation of International Festival Queen, wherein member organization of Nationalities Council of Indiana will have their representative to compete with Traditional and Evening Gown, Talent, and Intelligence to become 2016 International Festival Queen. This will be held on Thursday, November 10th at 6:00 pm.
While, Representatives from Indiana U.S. Senators and U.S. House of Representatives will participate in a moving Naturalization Ceremony as part of the Indy International Festival. A large group of people will become the newest U.S. citizens in a special ceremony on Thursday, November 10th at 3:00pm.
At the last day of the festival is the Parade of Nations wherein all the member organizations will parade in their ethnic dress on Saturday, November 12th at 6:00 pm and the Awarding of the Best Cultural and Best Food Booth will follows at 8:00 pm.
Advance discount tickets for $ 6.00 may be purchase from all the member organizations of Nationalities Council of Indiana, Inc. or call Alma Smith (NCI Treasurer) 317-442-7039 or email her: treasurer@nationalitiescouncil.org or online: https://on.spingo.com/e/40th_indy_international_festival
General Admission is $10.00. Tickets for children 7-12 are $8.00. Children 6 years and under are free. General Public Hours for the Festival are 2 P.M. – 9 P.M., Thursday and Friday November 10th & 11th; 9 AM- 9 PM Saturday, November 12th.

Date + Time

Nov 12, 2016, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

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Indiana State Fairgrounds
1200 E. 38th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46205

Assisting various Cultural Booths in stamping kids passport, give peace and order and assisting event goers on finding what booth they want to visit and what performers performing at the main stage.

FREE Entrance plus additional FREE VIP Ticket for 2 (that they can use for another day or their friends or family), FREE Car Pass good for 3 days of the event, Bottled Water and Volunteer Badges (to be returned at the end of their shift).


Since majority of volunteers duty will be standing, It is advisable they wear a comfortable shoes good for long standing and walking in a concrete floors. About attire, preferably All Festival staff and workers are strongly encouraged to wear native (ethnic) dress! But if you do not have one, black pants and white t shirt is advisable so I can identify who is a volunteer and not.