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Important “Kick Off General Membership Meeting” Notice

Jun 5, 2019, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Important “Kick-Off General Membership Meeting” Notice

General Membership Meeting
Wed. June 5th, 2019
Holliday Park
6363 Spring Mill Rd. 46260

Announcing 2019 Kick-Off General Membership Meeting (GMM) we know you will find the agenda to be informative, exciting and interesting. All members please make every effort to attend. Come hear what’s happening, you may even win a door prize

Time Line

6:00-6:20 Sign in, refreshments
6:20-6:50 GMM begins
6:50-8:00 General Meeting
8:00-until Adjourn to Mini Social


President: Tony Nacelewicz
Vice President: Louie Zee

Meet the Board of Directors
Congratulate 2018 Indy Ambassador’s Award Winners
Welcome new members

Standing Committees reports

1) Volunteer Director – Chris Walczak
2) Membership Director – Shari Zee
3) Social Director – Jeannette Edwards
4) Education Director- Tony Dostor
Members Concerns
New Business
General Meeting Guest Speaker:  Katie Neill of

Please plan to attend, your attendance is greatly appreciated,

Please continue to read this important notice carefully. This information will prove helpful in understanding the 3 components of the GMM and why your attendance will be of great benefit as a member going forward with the Indianapolis Ambassadors.
The 3 components make the GMM informative, inspirational, motivational and enjoyable.
1) General Membership Meeting 2) General Meeting 3) Mini Social

General Membership Meeting
The GMM is held on the 1st Wednesday of every month, 6 pm at various locations throughout Indianapolis. The purpose,to keep members informed of current events affecting the memberships, inform members of various issues of the organization, inform members of previous/future activities, to discuss topics of interest, to make decisions, resolve conflicts, solve problems. Members participation is encouraged. Indy Ambassadors welcomes suggestions that will help keep our organization strong.
The GMM gives members an opportunity to network, present combine ideas, to build something bigger. Also to keep their membership requirements active/ in good standings. Members have a voice, can vote you can do this by attending the GMM

General Meeting
The General Meeting (GM) location is integral for the GMM is held at the host venue. The Education Director finds interesting meeting locations that one might not otherwise have occasion to visit and the meetings generally feature motivational, educational and entertaining speakers. This makes our meetings very interesting and exciting. The Edu Director send emails promoting the GM host organization
GM host HOLLIDAY PARK is extraordinary. Come early visit the wildlife observation area with feeding stations, view the gardens while listening to birds over the sound system. The Ruins are spectacular a must-see

Don’t miss this exciting GM

Mini Social
Indy Ambassador’s philosophy is that people who socialize together are more likely to want to volunteer together. After GMM a mini social is a special experience
1011 E Westfield Blvd. Broadripple
Join us at Brugge the brewpub known for its Belgian beer, but mostly for their mussels, they hail sublime!
As members, your presence is essential at GMM for all decisions are not made in the Board Room.
Attending GMM often suggests a member is seeking an opportunity to be more involved. We appreciate your efforts, time/dedication as you give of yourself for others, your commitment to volunteering and choosing Indy Ambassadors as your organization. We are fortunate to have loyal members the best part of Indy Ambassadors, the reason Indy Ambassadors is The Premier Volunteer Resource for Greater Indianapolis

We hope to see strong attendance
Kindly RSVP that you received this email and confirm your attendance


June 5, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Holliday Park
6363 Spring Mill Road
Indianapolis, IN 46260 United States
+ Google Map

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