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Indianapolis Children’s Choir Annual Holiday Concerts

Dec 14, 2018, 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM

presented by indianapolis children’s choir

About the Event

December 14 and 15 there are 4 concerts that need help with program stuffing, and ushers

Date + Time

Dec 14, 2018, 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM

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St, Luke’s United Methodist Church
100 W 86th st.
Indy, IN 46260

12/14 4pm-6pm Program stuffing
12/14 6pm-9pm Ushers help patrons with finding seats, handing out programs
12/15 11:30-1:30pm ushers help patrons with finding seats, handing out programs
12/15 2-4pm ushers help patrons with finding seats, handing out programs
12/15 6pm-9pm ushers help patrons with finding seats, handing out programs

To officially signup for this event, please contact —
Stephen McCoy or Sharon Bergmann at smccoy@icchoir.org or sbergman@icchoir.org or 317 940 9640

Please tell them that you’re with I.A.

Please also signup here, on the I.A. website for I.A. credit !

Black pants no jeans please. This is formal wear attire for the children

Parking is free