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Midtown Holiday Home Tour

Nov 12, 2016, 10:45 AM - 5:00 PM

presented by Midtown Indianapolis

About the Event

“One weekend. Five homes. Countless tastes of Midtown. This year’s tour has something for everyone – we are introducing free samples of local beers and hors d’oevres served up at each home to keep spirits merry and bright as you explore Midtown’s gems.” All proceeds from this event go directly back into the community to help create a stronger economy.
Midtown Indianapolis is looking for volunteers to act as docents during this year’s Midtown Holiday Home Tour. We have several volunteer shift opportunities to choose. Each volunteer will receive a free ticket to the Home Tour!

There will be a short information session for all volunteers on Monday, November 7th 6:30 – 7:30 pm at the Rivi / Riviera Club (5640 N Illinois St). We encourage everyone to attend, but this is not mandatory. Pizza and soft drinks will be served.

Date + Time

Nov 12, 2016, 10:45 AM - 5:00 PM

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Multiple addresses in Midtown

Indianapolis, IN 46205

Home Docent: control / direct traffic flow; share pertinent information about the home and room

Water, light snacks, and a free ticket to the tour will be provided.

Please also signup at the following website to be guaranteed a volunteer spot:

Midtown Home Tour Volunteers

Casual to Casual Business