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Star Wars Night – Naptown Roller Derby

May 6, 2017, 1:00 PM - 10:00 PM

presented by Indianapolis Children’s Museum

About the Event

Volunteer at Naptown Roller Derby’s next home bout on May 6th, when we host a doubleheader with the Ann Arbor Derby Dimes. This night will also be our annual Star Wars-themed bout, with special guests from the 501st and Rebel Legion.

Date + Time

May 6, 2017, 1:00 PM - 10:00 PM

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Pabst Blue Ribbon Pavillion at Indiana State Fairgrounds
1202 E 38th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46205

Volunteers will be assigned to one of the following jobs based on the organization’s needs:

Broom Engineers — Sweep the track during halftime. May wear costumes if desired. Meet close to the Merch at the start of the last jam before halftime.
Concierge/Ushers — Checks in VIPs at the door and escorts them to the VIP section. At halftime, most can move to the stands as “Ask Me” Peeps for VIPs. Meet inside at skater/VIP entrance.
Greeters/ Programs — Greets the public as they come in and gives them a program. Meet inside public entrance of venue.
Merch — Works the Merch table selling our gear. Can also include skaters selling merch in the stands as time/resources allow. Meet at Merch booth.
Property Crew/Grips (must be able to lift 20+lbs.) — Sets up (or tears down and puts away) the tables, chair, team bleachers, and posts the signage including sponsor banners. Also helps DVD set up the camera cables and the scoreboards. Meet on floor/near track.
Security — Ensures that people sitting in the suicide seats are at least 18 years old and watches for unruly spectators. There will be security leads, who you can notify if a situation escalates. This job may vary depending on the venue. You will receive a briefing before each bout with specifics. Meet at skater/VIP entrance.
Track Taping — Puts the rope and tape down to make the track. Meet near track.
Post-Bout Clean Up (stands) — Picks up trash after the Sirens’ bout

You will be admitted into the parking lot and venue for free and will be provided with all necessary supplies.

Dress in comfortable clothing that is appropriate for a family event. Tennis shoes or other closed toe shoes are recommended.