IndyGo is looking for energetic and enthusiastic volunteer leaders to become an IndyGo Transit Neighbor or Transit Ambassador. As a Neighbor, you’ll help IndyGo build a strong relationship with the communities we serve by being a communications link to your community and IndyGo. Transit ambassadors for IndyGo teach people how to ride the bus, answer their questions and represent IndyGo at community events. In return, these volunteers get a $60 monthly stipend and a free bus pass.
Although there’s a waitlist, IndyGo is currently recruiting transit ambassadors, and will host trainings at the Julia M. Carson Transit Center, 201 E. Washington St. To attend, first apply to become a transit ambassador with the form below.
Volunteer Needs
Volunteers are expected to commit to a six-month term, though most participate for at least a year. They are required to do at least six hours of outreach each month. That could mean staffing a table at an event, teaching people how to use public transit or riding the bus to answer questions and update people on detours and route changes. On the job, ambassadors wear IndyGo apparel, so riders know who to approach with questions.
Neighbor and Ambassador Qualifications
Eligible volunteers must be at least 18 years old and commit to a one-year term. Volunteers who are multilingual in Spanish, Haitian Creole, French, or other languages is preferred.
Transit Neighbors regularly attend their community meetings and present IndyGo updates, while collecting feedback. You’ll be a source of information about IndyGo service changes and/or upcoming projects. You’ll be a member of the IndyGo go-to crew.
Transit Ambassador Role
- Provide IndyGo with information about transit riders and the public.
- Help people understand and feel comfortable riding transit.
- Share timely information and updates at the Transit Center and other key IndyGo locations.
- Gather feedback at community events and while riding routes.
- Gather rider stories.
Transit Ambassador Expectations
- Attend quarterly transit ambassador meetings.
- Conduct at least 6 hours of outreach each month in various capacities.
- Wear transit ambassador apparel when volunteering.
- Maintain good tracking records of outreach activities and communicate feedback to IndyGo.
- Enjoy FREE bus rides during your term — did we mention FREE bus rides?
- Enjoy a $60 monthly stipend.
IndyGo Neighbors:
IndyGo Ambassadors:
Volunteer Registration
To apply for Transit Neighbors fill out this form: Transit Neighbors Application
Applications for Transit Ambassadors are currently on a waitlist. However, IndyGo highly encourages interested community members bilingual in Spanish, Haitian Creole, French, and other languages to apply! Fill out the form here: Transit Ambassador Interest Form