Seeds of Caring

Seeds of Caring

At Seeds of Caring, we imagine a future with more kindness, more empathy, and more inclusiveness. It all starts with our future generation. Our kids deserve a world that is kinder, more just, and more connected than the one we live in today. Seeds of Caring works to turn this vision into reality, offering service projects for kids—empowering them to make a real difference through service, social action, and community-building projects. We are raising a generation of kids who are change-makers and bridge-builders. Together with their grown-ups (that’s you!), we teach children about the causes of social issues, break down barriers that prevent us from living in full community with one another, and encourage our youth to use their hearts, hands, and minds for good. Together, we are creating a brighter tomorrow. Join us!

Volunteer Needs

Seeds of Caring’s adult volunteers are known as “Ambassadors.” Who’s fancy? You are! Join our group of behind-the-scenes Ambassadors who serve as boots-on-the-ground support for our programming. We appreciate your commitment to bring more kindness than ever before to our community — and to empowering our youth to lead the charge!

Our Ambassador opportunities are flexible both in scheduling and the variety of ways to help. Each month, we will share a list of specific Ambassador opportunities and you can choose what best fits your schedule and interests. Ambassador opportunities take 1.5 – 3 hours of time and the majority of them can be completed from home. An Ambassador’s time commitment is flexible, although we ask you sign up for at least 4 Ambassador opportunities per year

  • Be a Porch Drop Location for Anywhere Project Donations
  • At Home Supply Prep
  • Group Liaison
  • Community Outreach
  • Administrative Support
  • Specialized & Professional Skills
  • In Person Event Co-leader (with additional training)

Volunteer Registration

Ready to support and inspire kids to make a difference in our community? Begin by filling out our Ambassador Registration Form which includes a 20 minute Ambassador Orientation video, 3 minute free background check, and a liability waiver.




Like what you see? We are always looking for more volunteers. Join